Energy Queensland – energising Queensland’s skilled future

Energy Queensland continues to provide opportunities for electrical engineering students through its $2 million Future of Energy Electrical Engineering Scholarship program.

Last year 100 scholarships were offered to electrical engineering students at Queensland-based universities.

Chief Engineer Peter Price said scholarships of up to $20,000 per year are available this year to fill the spots left by graduates finishing in the program.

The scholarships are available for bachelor degree undergraduate students in their second, third and final years of study across all seven Queensland universities with electrical engineering faculties.

“The energy sector is going through massive growth, no more so than in Queensland where the State Government’s Energy and Jobs Plan is transforming networks to deliver a renewable energy future,” Peter said.

“Energy Queensland already has a highly skilled electrical engineering workforce, and the annual Future of Energy Engineering Scholarships will help to grow that to ensure Queensland has some of the best trained electrical engineers anywhere in the world.

“We will be adding 37 new scholarship holders this year across all eligible study years to fill our cohort of 100 students.

“Engineers will play a fundamental role in designing the infrastructure to support the massive growth in the use of renewable energy and we know that Energy Queensland will need even more highly technical people to deliver a net zero future.”

Successful applicants will also be offered employment opportunities in one of Energy Queensland’s energy solutions business Yurika or its distribution network businesses – Ergon Energy and Energex.

“These scholarships will help Energy Queensland expand the expertise, and cultural and gender diversity of engineers we have across the business,” Peter said.

“They will have opportunities to gain real world experience working with some of Australia’s most innovative electrical engineers and will get to collaborate with experts in new and emerging technologies that support Australia’s largest electricity network – designing and building infrastructure for the influx of renewable energy, electric vehicles and energy storage.”

Applications for the Future of Energy Engineering Scholarships program are open until  28 April 2024

Contact - Brett Judge 0439971765