Our governance
We are committed to conducting all business activities legally, ethically and with strict observance of the highest standards of integrity and proprietary. Our main governance objective is to achieve our business outcomes aligned with our ethical, social and environmental responsibilities.
Read more: Our approach to Corporate Governance
To achieve our solid governance foundation requires a robust corporate governance framework of our policies and practices that have been adopted by the Board and management, who encourage our staff to carry out their duties in an ethical and responsible manner, protecting the community interest and our company’s integrity.
Energy Queensland Limited is a Government Owned Corporation (GOC) reporting to the Queensland Government via two shareholding Ministers, on behalf of the communities across Queensland.
Energy Queensland Limited is the parent company of a number of operating subsidiary companies whose main business is the provision of regulated electricity distribution, retail services to customers and other unregulated business activities. These companies include:
- Ergon Energy Corporation Limited trading as Ergon Energy Network
- Energex Limited trading as Energex
- Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd trading as Ergon Energy Retail
- Yurika Pty Ltd trading as Yurika
- Metering Dynamics Pty Ltd trading as Yurika Metering
- Ergon Energy Telecommunications Pty Ltd trading as Yurika Telecoms
Energy Queensland Limited is governed by an independent Board of Directors whose primary role is to provide effective governance, oversight and strategic direction of our affairs and our subsidiary companies to ensure the interests of our shareholding Ministers are protected, while having regard for the interests of all stakeholders including our community stakeholders, customers, industry partners and employees.
Our corporate governance practices are in line with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations (4th edition), where applicable, and the Queensland Government’s Corporate Governance Guidelines for Government Owned Corporations. These provide a framework of eight principles that guide our corporate governance arrangements.
Further information about our corporate governance framework and practices is available in our Corporate Governance Statement in our Annual Report.
Our constitutions
Our charters
- Audit and Risk Committee Charter - R260 (PDF 323.3 kb)
- Board Charter of Energy Queensland Ltd (PDF 277.5 kb)
- Digital Enablement Committee Charter (PDF 263.8 kb)
- Internal Audit and Assurance Charter - R141 (PDF 343.6 kb)
- People, Safety and Environment Committee Charter - R246 (PDF 283.6 kb)
- Regulatory and Investment Committee Charter - R300 (PDF 138.7 kb)
- Asbestos Management Policy - P045 (PDF 305.1 kb)
- Business (Quality) Policy - P046 (PDF 188.9 kb)
- Complaints Management Policy - P014 (PDF 105.9 kb)
- Compliance Management Policy - P015 (PDF 873.1 kb)
- Director Code of Conduct Policy - P001 (PDF 147.9 kb)
- Director Conflicts of Interest - P002 (PDF 129.8 kb)
- Director Entertainment, Hospitality and Gifts Policy - P003 (PDF 206.6 kb)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy - P016 (PDF 819.5 kb)
- Employee Code of Conduct Policy - P004 (PDF 397.7 kb)
- Environment Sustainability and Cultural Heritage Policy - P058 (PDF 1.6 mb)
- Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy - P017 (PDF 131.2 kb)
- Health and Safety Policy - P009 (PDF 720.9 kb)
- Privacy
- Procurement Policy - P011 (PDF 112.7 kb)
- Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Policy - P047 (PDF 160.8 kb)
- Risk Management Policy - P043 (PDF 343.1 kb)
- Right to Information
- Securities Dealing Policy - P048 (PDF 795.6 kb)
- Sponsorship Policy - P021 (PDF 134.0 kb)
Other governance documents
- Agreement to issue Recipient Created Tax Invoices - T036 (DOCX 89.4 kb)
- Natural Hazards Strategy 2024-25 (PDF 1.8 mb)
- Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines - R123 (PDF 287.6 kb)
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions - R130 (PDF 546.6 kb)
- Ring Fencing Requirements to Service Providers - R065 - 691292 (PDF 119.9 kb)
- RCTI Implementation Guide - R111 (PDF 208.3 kb)
- Vegetation Management Strategy - G001 (PDF 1.7 mb)